Peasmarsh Periodical

This is the home of the monthly online Peasmarsh Periodical which replaces the hardcopy version which used to land on our doorsteps every month before the pandemic.

The objective is to publish in the middle of each month, somewhere between the 15th and the 20th of the month. When published a post is placed on the Peasmarsh Recreation Ground page of FaceBook [the link will open a new tab on your browser : just close it to return here].

If you want to receive an email reminder then please contact us [see below] and we will add you to the mailing list which is solely used to notify subscribers that the Periodical has been published. You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing us again.

The current edition of the Periodical is available here : Periodical

The format of the current edition is an A5 flip book which will open in a new tab on your browser [just use the right and left arrows to move through the pages; you can also control sound, search and fast move using the control bar at the top of the page].

Archived editions are available from the menu on the left [these are pdf files which will again open in a new tab on your browser].

Peasmarsh Periodical is an online communication published by Peasmarsh Parish Council for the benefit of parish residents. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the contents, the Council cannot be held responsible for any misinformation / errors, nor for external content reached through links therein.


You can contact us by email at :